
Asypi supports a versatile middleware system, allowing one to view, modify, or cancel request/response pairs before a responder ever sees them.

To understand how middleware in Asypi works, first the “response chain” must be understood. When Asypi receives an HTTP request, a request/response pair is created and then sent as followed: server -> router -> middleware -> responder.

Middleware has the power to “break” the response chain, preventing successive middleware or the responder from operating on the request/response pair.

Writing Middleware

In Asypi, middleware is simply a function with the following signature:

(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) => {
    // do something
    return shouldContinue;

If a middleware function returns false, it will “break the response chain,” preventing successive middleware or the responder from operating on the request/response pair. If a middleware function returns true, the request/response pair will be passed down the chain normally.

Using Middleware

Middleware can be used with a simple call to Server.Use(). For example, to register doStuff() as middleware for all routes, one would call Server.Use(".*", doStuff);.

Middleware Example

// on all routes that start with private/
server.use(@"private\/.*", (HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) => {
    // don't load the page if user is not authenticated
    if (isAuthenticated(req)) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;