API Reference


The Server class is the heart of Asypi. Servers handle receiving requests and sending responses, routing requests, managing routes and responders, and logging diagnostic information.

Due to the way that Server interfaces with the static FileServer, only one Server may be created per run.

Public Fields

int Port

The port that the Server will bind to when Server.Run() or Server.RunAsync() is called.

IEnumerable Hosts

The hosts that the Server will bind to when Server.Run() or Server.RunAsync() is called.

LogLevel LogLevel

The LogLevel that the Server initialized the logger with.

int LFUCacheSize

The LFU cache size, in MiB, that the Server initialized FileServer with.

int FileServerEpochLength

The epoch length, in milliseconds, that the Server initialized FileServer with.

Responder Responder404

The Responder that the Server will route requests to when no other valid routes were found.


public Server(
    int port = 8000,
    string hostname = "localhost",
    LogLevel logLevel = LogLevel.Debug,
    int? LFUCacheSize = null,
    int? fileServerEpochLength = null
public Server(
    int port,
    string[] hostnames,
    LogLevel logLevel = LogLevel.Debug,
    int? LFUCacheSize = null,
    int? fileServerEpochLength = null

Note that LFUCacheSize is measured in MiB, and fileServerEpochLength is measured in milliseconds.

If given as null, LFUCacheSize and fileServerEpochLength will be set to default values under the hood.

Routing Methods

Routes requests to path of method method to responder.

Paths should not contain trailing slashes.

Paths can include variable parameters, the values of which will be forwarded to the responder. Variable parameters must be surrounded by curly braces. For example, /users/{id} would match /users/1, /users/joe, etc., and the responder would receive argument lists ["1"] and ["joe"] respectively.

void Route(HttpMethod method, string path, Responder responder)

void Route(HttpMethod method, string path, SimpleTextResponder responder, string contentType, IHeaders headers = null)

void Route(HttpMethod method, string path, ComplexTextResponder responder, string contentType, IHeaders headers = null)

Static File Routing

void RouteStaticFile(string path, string filePath, string contentType = null)

Routes requests to path to the file at filePath. The response will have its content type set to contentType if provided. Otherwise, the content type will be guessed.

Note that DefaultHeaders contains X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff.

RouteStaticDir(string mountRoot, string dirRoot, int? maxDepth = null, string match = ".*")

Routes requests to paths matching match under mountRoot to files under dirRoot. Content types will be guessed.

If maxDepth is not set, will recursively include all subdirectories of dirRoot. Otherwise, will only include subdirectories to a depth of maxDepth. For example, with maxDepth set to 1, will only include files directly under dirRoot.

Note that DefaultHeaders contains X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff.

If finer control is necessary, consider mounting individual files using Server.RouteStaticFile().

404 Responder Setters

void Set404Responder(Responder responder)

void Set404Responder(SimpleTextResponder responder, string contentType)

void Set404Responder(ComplexTextResponder responder, string contentType)

Other Methods

void Use(string matchExpression, Middleware middleware)

Registers the middleware for use on all paths matching matchExpression.

void Reset()

Resets the server. This will remove all previously registered routes.

Exists primarily for testing purposes.

Task RunAsync()

Runs the server. For a sync wrapper, consider Server.Run().

void Run()

Runs the server. This will block the thread until the server stops running. For async, consider Server.RunAsync().


Under the hood, all requests in Asypi are handled by a responder with the following delegate:

public delegate void Responder(
    Req request,
    Res response

However, for convenience, simplified responders are also generally accepted. These are:

public delegate string SimpleTextResponder();
public delegate string ComplexTextResponder(Req req, Res res);

Under the hood, each of these are wrapped by a Responder that sets the body of the Res to the string output of the simplified responder, sets content type to a separately provided value, and sets headers.


public enum HttpMethod {

Asypi also contains a few convenience items for working with HttpMethods:




Req is a wrapper over System.Net.HttpListenerRequest, exposing relevant fields.

Public Fields

string BodyText

Gets the body of the request, as a string.

string BodyBytes

Gets the body of the request, as a byte[].

List<string> args

The values of applicable variable parameters.

For example, if a route was registered with the path /{name}, and a user requested /joe, the args in the resulting Req will contain ["joe"].

Other Public Fields

The majority of the fields in System.Net.HttpListenerRequest are directly wrapped by Req. For more information on these fields, refer to Microsoft’s official documentation.


Res is a wrapper over System.Net.HttpListenerResponse, exposing relevant fields.

Public Fields

string BodyText

Sets the body of the response, as a string.

string BodyBytes

Sets the body of the response, as a byte[].

Other Public Fields

The majority of the fields in System.Net.HttpListenerResponse are directly wrapped by Res. For more information on these fields, refer to Microsoft’s official documentation.


public interface IHeaders {
    Dictionary<string, string> Values { get; }


DefaultHeaders is an inheritable class implementing IHeaders containing sensible defaults for headers. To be precise, DefaultHeaders contains the following:

Server: Asypi
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
"X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self'; object-src 'none'; require-trusted-types-for 'script'

Note that DefaultHeaders does NOT contain Strict-Transport-Security, to ensure that Asypi projects work in development. Consider inheriting DefaultHeaders and adding this header.


DefaultServerHeaders is a static class with a single public member, Instance. When no headers are specified for a special responder (e.g. when using Server.RouteStaticFile()), DefaultServerHeaders.Instance will be loaded by the server.

Public Fields

static IHeaders Instance

The internal instance of DefaultServerHeaders.


FileServer is a static class provided by Asypi. It utilizes an LFU cache, which is set up when Server is initialized.

Public Methods

byte[] Get(string filePath)

Gets the content of the file at filePath as a byte[], and then updates the LFU cache.

byte[] Read(string filePath)

Gets the content of the file at filePath as a byte[], but does NOT update the LFU cache.